Texas Beef for Texans in Need
Established in October 2020
450,000 Meals Donated to Date
1,200 Meals from One Steer
<$1.00 Per Meal
2025 Goal: 175,000 Meals
Texas Beef for Texans in Need * Established in October 2020 * 450,000 Meals Donated to Date * 1,200 Meals from One Steer * <$1.00 Per Meal * 2025 Goal: 175,000 Meals *
Mission: To provide a consistent and reliable source of high quality ground beef to Texans in need via our network of partner food banks and other charitable service organizations.
Vision: To improve the health and diet of many food insecure Texans; and to raise the awareness of food insecurity issues within cattle communities: ranching, dairy farming and rodeo, in order to funnel beef into our TBI network connecting food to Texans in need.
We are a Texas based 501(c)3 nonprofit (Tax ID#: 85-3564543), founded in October 2020.
Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by IRS regulations.
TBI is the essential link between the food-insecure communities’ critical need for meat protein and the cattle widely available in Central Texas. Based in Dripping Springs, Texas, TBI seeks donations of cash and cattle. Donations set the TBI mission in motion.
Millions of Texans need help putting food on the table and have a huge need for fresh protein, especially meat protein. During the inception of TBI in 2020, we learned three vital facts that continue to influence and motivate the mission today:
Peanut butter is one of the most common sources of protein included in the food boxes assembled and distributed to Central Texans.
Despite all the local ranches and cattle production, the Central Texas Food Bank did not receive regular donations of beef prior to TBI.
Local food banks have plenty of capacity to accept ALL of the ground beef that TBI can provide.
Texas is the largest cattle producer in the U.S. and is home to a huge rodeo and competitive equine sports community reliant on cattle production. This large supply of cattle is underutilized, but now can be economically transformed into into high quality ground beef through TBI’s existing network and know-how.
Initially, TBI targeted roping cattle past their prime as our primary cattle source, but now we welcome all breeds and classes of cattle including: beef cattle from local ranchers, cull cows, dairy cattle, and longhorn “pasture ornaments.” TBI depends on local ropers/ ranchers/ producers for the reliable supply of cattle, feed and resources.
Acquired cattle are fed and cared for until ready for transport to one of our regional processors. TBI has negotiated rates with local processors to provide complete processing services under state inspection. TBI ground beef is packaged into one to three pound frozen portions and certified for distribution. The ground beef is donated to local food banks and partner organizations who distribute it to Texas in need.
Partners & Recipient Organizations
We support a wide range of Texans facing food insecurity, living in both urban and rural areas; including families, seniors, veterans, those formerly homeless, and those recovering from substance abuse. TBI is proud to partner with over Texas food banks and charitable service organizations.
We are proud to partner with the following private foundations: Anderson Charitable Foundation, Montandon Charitable Trust, Ladies of Charity Lake Travis, Shield-Aires Foundation, and Still Water Foundation. Without their ongoing support we could not accomplish the mission of TBI.
TBI is proud sponsor of the 2024 Texas Junior High Rodeo Association and State Finals. Texas junior high students work hard and play hard all season long to qualify for the state rodeo finals. TBI is excited to support the competitors and families of TJHRA while helping to make junior high rodeo possible.
Dripping Springs Ranch Park (DSRP) is an important partner to TBI. DSRP is TBI’s home base for weekly roping practice, roping competitions and fundraising events throughout the year. DSRP, a City of Dripping Springs facility, has mutiple arenas and conference/event rooms.
TBI continues to expand our network of partners, increase the awareness of food insecurity issues in our communities and strengthen or ability to address the growing demand to bridge the gap between available beef and the need to provide high quality meat protein.
How can you help?
Based in Dripping Springs, Texas, TBI was founded by Noel McAlexander and Dave Sissler, both cattlemen and amateur team ropers. Since inception in the fall of 2020, TBI has expanded to reach to urban and rural areas in and around Austin, San Antonio, Bryan/College Station, and Dallas/Fort Worth.
TBI relies on monetary donations, but also accepts donations of cattle and cattle supplies, including feed and hay. In addition, volunteers can provide foster homes to temporarily care for cattle prior to processing.
TBI’s accomplishments are achieved through our primarily volunteer board and staff. If you are interested in volunteering please contact your local chapter.
TBI has donated more than 300,000 meals to date and currently on track to donate 150,000 meals in 2024.
- One pound of ground beef provides the protein portions for four meals.
- One steer can provide 1,000 to 1,500 protein meal portions.
- A $1,000 donation pays to purchase, feed and process one steer.
- The average cost per meal portion is less than $1.00.